Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction Week 5 (Aug 13)

Julie asks Natalie what’s been the most surprising thing so far.  She says the boredom.  She actually looks like a girl today, with her hair blown straight and maybe even a little makeup on for once.  When asked if the game is harder than he thought it would be, Jeff says it ‘s a mind…” and Julie jumps in before he can add “fuck” on to the end of that.  Everyone laughs and smiles, even the Chenbot.

Chima’s grandmother and best friend explain that she’s a high maintenance girly-girl, which we see demonstrated in the house on several occasions.  According to her friend, Chima thinks men look down on women, so she’s fiercely loyal to her friends.  Her grandmother wants her to listen more and is disappointed in her lack of “civility” during the big blowout with Russell.  I notice grandma didn’t have a word to say about the rape by the serial killer.  After the break, Julie’s chatting her up in the HOH room.  Chima has no regrets about what she said to Russell and that’s really the whole conversation, so I’ve saved you five minutes.

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