Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction Week 5 (Aug 13)

OK, voting. Julie asks if the mystery power holder wants to use it.  Jeff stands slowly, and Jessie is what you might call “non-plussed”.  Jordan is shocked.  Julie reveals the details of the Coup d’etat. Extra note: both Chima and Jeff will get to compete in the HOH competition.  First, Jeff replaces Lydia with Natalie.  Then, he replaces Russell with Jessie, who rips off his polo shirt to reveal a t-shirt that says…something. Jeff tells Natalie and Jessie that they’ve run the house all this time and never been close to nominated, so they need to “feel the pain a little bit.”  Go Jeff!!!  Neither Jeff nor Chima will be voting.  Natalie pleads her case, saying how loyal she was.  Jessie also says he was loyal, and congratulates Jeff.  He babbles on, grovelling for votes, but doesn’t get mean like I thought he might.

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