Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction Week 5 (Aug 13)

Lydia votes for Natalie, which is no shocker.  Jordan votes for Jessie.  Kevin votes for Jessie, too.  Michelle does the same.  Russell votes to send Natalie out, taking a second to tell Julie she looks beautiful.  It’s official, 3-2, Jessie’s out.  The back of his shirt, as he hugs Natalie says “take it all in”.  Ew.  I’d rather not.  Although I have a sneaking suspicion it might not be all that much.  The front of his shirt says “The man, the myth, the legend.”  Back inside, Chima is bitching at Jeff and says she and the producers “will have a little talk.”  I’m sure we’ll get more on that later.  Lydia is a sobbing mess, being comforted by Kevin, over the loss of her late night sex buddy.  Aw, who’s she going to stalk in their sleep now?  I’m betting Russell better sleep with one eye open.

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