Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Eviction Week 5 (Aug 13)

In his Chenterview,  Jessie blames America.  Julie calls him out for sleeping 12-13 hours a day instead of getting face time with Jeff.  He’s still certain he’ll be a “sports entertainer” and makes one of those annoying arm flourishes that he likes to do.  And luckily, since there are no goodbye messages, we get to leave it right there.

Now for the HOH competition.  Two at a time, the houseguests will face off to answer questions about previous HOH, Have or Have Not and Veto competitions.  If you get the right answer, your opponent is eliminated and you get to pick the next two competitors.  If you guess wrong, you’re out.  First, Kevin guesses right, eliminating Lydia.  Next, Russell guesses wrong and Jeff moves on.  In the third round, Chima answers correctly and Natalie is out.  Jeff next beats out Jordan, then Kevin beats Chima.  In the sixth round, Michele beats Jeff, so it’s down to Michele versus Kevin for HOH…and Michelle answers correctly for the win.  Well, I’m not entirely sure how to feel about this, but I think it’s a goof thing.  And by the way, next week?  Double Eviction, baby!!

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