Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

We now get to revisit Ronnie calling Michele “the worst human being he’s ever had the misfortune of meeting”.  Michele says she thinks Ronnie was just being melodramatic and maybe they can have a therapy session.  Ronnie says he’s thought it over and he apologizes, blaming the house for making him crazy.  (Sure, blame the house…  – EJ) He also says it was a last ditch bit of strategy.  Michele accepts the apology and says she thinks it worked a little.  These two are just both so damn awkward, though, aren’t they?

Julie calls out Jessie for saying his relationship with Lydia was platonic and then we actually see the tape of their undercover footsie and Lydia crawling out of bed in her underwear.  There are audible gasps amongst the housemates and I think Jeff says, “Wow!”  Jessie stupidly says “We were playing cards!”  Julie busts out the Webster’s Dictionary for the definition of platonic: “a relationship marked by the absence of romance or sex.”  (Damn, Pregnant Julie is awesome. – EJ) She asks the question again and Jessie admits it.  She asks Lydia if this has continued in the jury house and her non-answer says it all.  Jessie is perturbed, Lydia is grinning ear to ear, and I have to credit Big Brother with finally bringing the goods to a finale show.  Russell jokes that he must have been off yelling at someone in the house while this all was going on.  OK, that was funny.  Ronnie attempts to be included by raising his hand like Horshack. (Ha! – EJ)

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