Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

Julie turns to Jeff to ask about his future with Jordan.  Showmance?  Romance? Friends?  He says, “We’ll see if she wins or not!” and everyone cracks up.  Jeff says they’ll have to take time and talk and Jordan says she agrees with Jeff.  Julie tries to force Jeff to take Jordan to Hawaii and all Jeff will admit to is that she’s “on the short list.”  I love that he just won’t cave.  Julie teases the jury prize, but doesn’t announce it yet.

Vote time.  Julie pulls America’s key to show that out of 11 million, most people voted for Jordan, of course.  Jessie voted for Jordan.  Lydia voted for Jordan.  Russell voted for Natalie.  Jeff voted for Jordan and that’s it!  Jordan is the winner, pulling her short shorts down all the way out the door.  She runs out through the confetti and sees her family first.  Hugs all around, but we don’t get to see her reunion hug with Jeff.

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