Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

Time for jury questions.  Russell asks Jordan what her strategy was before the game, and how it changed.  She says her strategy was to lay low and not trust everyone, but then she liked and trusted them all until the fights began breaking out, at which point she decided to be her “funny, clueless, goofy self” and see how that worked out.  Lydia gets to ask Natalie (off a card) who she thought was her biggest threat in the house and what role she played in their eviction.  Natalie takes a minute to answer “Lydia” because of her relationship with Jessie.  She was coming between she and her “ally” and  he was loyal to her and she didn’t want Lydia coming in between them.  Way to not even try for that vote, Natalie.  Lydia is surprised at the self-sabotage, as am I.    (That was seriously the craziest answer I’ve ever seen to a jury question. – EJ)

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