Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

Jeff asks Jordan (saying the question is from the group) what her best move was in the game, other than aligning with him.  Jordan says getting Kevin out was her best move, and articulates that it was because of the fact that so many of the jurors were mad at Jeff for using the Coup d’etat and since Kevin was the one to evict him, she figured he would be getting strategy points for that move alone that she could never hope to overcome.  (You know what?  That was actually really good thinking on her part.  Jordan really impressed me in the last week. – EJ) Michele says Natalie “is 18 and supposedly engaged”.  She then asks Natalie why it was critical that Michele told the jury her news.  Natalie gets defensive and says it’s not “supposably”, but that she really is engaged, it’s one of the best things that’s happened in her life, and that she wanted the jury house to know the news because she’s proud and that “more than half” the jury are truly her friends and she will be friends with them outside the house.  Jessie smirks at this.

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