Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

Jessie simply asks Jordan why she deserves to win.  Jordan answers that she proved herself as a competitor and she got herself where she is without depending on anyone else, which gets applause from the audience.  Russell asks Natalie the same thing.  She says her strategy was “not to be the most strongest competitor” nor the weakest, but to align herself with great players, and she cites Jessie for his physical strength, Chima for her mental strength (yeah, that held more water a couple months ago) and Ronnie as a “great gamer who knew the game inside and out”.  She says she didn’t have to win the most competitions in the game (or, really, any) because of her allies, to whom she held true and never back stabbed them.  Russell squeezes his eyes shut and cringes at this and the audience chuckles.  She really does sound like a moron right now.  Plus, her weak grasp on the English language hurts me physically.

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