Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Finale Part 2!

Time to cast the votes at last.  Jessie tells Jordan “Hakuna Matata”, which of course means “No Worries, for the rest of your days”.  So, I guess The Lion King is in the Jury House’s video library.  Lydia says to Jordan, “I love a good blond”.  Russell says he chose the person he felt played the best game start to finish.  Jeff says he’s proud of Jordan, and then has trouble turning the key.  Michele says she’s voting for the strongest female in this game.  Kevin wanted to vote for who was cuter, but they’re both cute, so his vote is strategic.  Julie explains to Jordan and Natalie that she’s locking in America’s vote.  (Julie seemed really pleased to finally be able to lock in a vote.  10 seasons of waiting… – EJ) She then teases the return of Braden, Laura, Casey and Ronnie to “expose lies and settle scores”, because all of a sudden Studio City is the Old West.

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