Big Brother

Big Brother 11 Season Premiere

Jordan, Jeff, Michelle and Lydia finally make it in.  They are stuck in the room designed as an empty swimming pool with beds that are basically rafts.  Yikes.  Jeff is happy to be bunking with three ladies, though.  Champagne corks pop and the introductions begin.  We find out that Chima likes to laugh at her own jokes.  Michelle downplays her PhD and says she just works in a lab.  Natalie lies that she’s 18, rather than 24, in a silly attempt to seem more naive.  Not sure the logic on that one.  To his credit, Kevin knows she’s full of crap.  He also calls out Laura on her boobs in front of everyone, so he’s way on my good side for now.  Everyone else sort of introduces around based on their bios, which we filled you in on earlier in the week.  Russell is not afraid of anyone, and he seems sort of unnecessarily angry for Day One.

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