Big Brother

Big Brother 11 Season Premiere

OK, big twist reveal time.  Julie explains that everyone is playing in cliques, but will still be nominated and evicted as individuals.  The key point is that if a member of your clique becomes HOH, then no one in your group can be nominated for eviction.  So, this just kind of starts some of the mob mentality we’ve seen in past seasons a little earlier than usual.  Kevin and Lydia know they’re offbeat, and they try to pick out the other “weirdo”.  Lydia says he’s her “Duckie” and she’s his “Molly”.  She should call herself “Andie”, of course, but I’m always just thankful for any John Hughes reference, especially by someone in their 20s.  Makes me feel young again.  Shockingly, Braden and his cheesy gold chain consider high school some of the best times of his life.  I just realized that he looks a bit like Nic Cage in Valley Girl.  Everyone sweats which clique they’ll end up in and what things they might have to explain as to why they ended up there.  Casey is excited as the old guy (also, as the guy who wears the stupid fedora in yet another attempt to be hip) to have some instant allies in the house.

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