Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Veto and Eviciton, Week 9

In her HOH Chenterview, Natalie confirms her alliance to Kevin.  Julie asks if her “18 year old” lie has helped or hurt her, and she thinks it has helped.  Well, I guess all the stupid b.s. she pulls can be written off to immaturity, so she’s not totally wrong.  However, why no one is questioning that she got alcohol in her HOH stash is beyond me.

At the live Veto Meeting and eviction, it’s time for Kevin to take himself off the block, which he does in short order.  Jordan takes her seat next to Michele.  Jordan stands for her plea to Kevin, who she says told her she was safe earlier.  She says she doesn’t think she’s played dirty or is a backstabber and hopes he chooses to keep her.  Michele tells Kevin that she’s considered a devil by the jury, and she can either raise hell against him in the jury house or with him in the final competitions.  She says this while wearing devil horns for effect.  Her argument is persuasive, but not enough I guess.  Kevin votes to evict her.  In the aftermath, Kevin bitches about her slip “may the best wom-, I mean, person, win.”    Jordan looks renewed a bit as she puts her hair up and readies for the HOH competition to start.  Girlfriend has the Eye of the Tiger.

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