Big Brother

Big Brother 11: Veto and Eviciton, Week 9

In her Chenterview, Michele seems nervous and says that she doesn’t really know if Kevin made the best move or not, but there’s not much she can do now.  She also feels Jeff’s move to get out Russell absolutely impacted her endgame, and wishes Jeff had trusted her more in advising against it.  Look, goodbye messages!  Natalie calls her a dirty player and doesn’t even try to earn a vote.  Kevin asks him not to hold it against her, but he didn’t know if her could trust her fully.  Jordan is her usual sweet self, calling Michele “an encyclopedia”.

Julie asks her why people were so mean to her, saying that Natalie, Ronnie and Russell were particularly cruel at different times.  Michele says she was bullied as a child and has always had trouble fitting in.  She doesn’t know why it was that way in the BB house, but figures that perhaps the others were threatened by her and thought she would get ahead in the game at their expense.  She said she was trying to be nurturing and friendly.  The thing is, Michele is nervous and awkward and geeky, all while being an essentially sweet person.  With the Type A personalities generally cast for this show, that doesn’t seem to fly and they just shun what is unusual to them.  Well, all I know is that if Jordan makes it to Final 2, she’s already got two votes and probably America’s vote as well.  Not to get ahead of ourselves, of course, but this could still work out.

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