Big Brother 12: Snap Judgments!
Andrew–I love that EJ and I picked at random and I still got the nice Jewish doctor! Andrew is a
single dad and a podiatrist in south Florida. Also, according to his video, he’s actually an Orthodox Jew who keeps kosher and will attempt to observe the Sabbath in the house. That will either garner him lots of respect or ridicule from the others and, sadly, I’m betting on the latter. BB does not tend to attract people of tremendous intellect or tolerance as a general rule. He fancies himself a combo of Kaysar, Dr. Will and Russell from Survivor, so I have no idea what kind of crap he’s going to pull, but he seems very mild-mannered in his video. Although, I don’t know if you should admit to the internet that you’ll actually miss watching ESPN every day more than your daughter. (mw)