Britney--I read the bio before watching the video and was surprised to see that the girl who said shedidn’t want to live in the house with old people and listed arguing as a favorite hobby seemed pretty sharp and non-annoying. Of course, they all seem that way early on, don’t they? She has a bird phobia, so she’s a perky, blonde Ollie! She also says she’s a mix of Chelsea Handler and Martha Stewart which actually sounds somewhat horrifying. (mw)
Monet – Well, there’s certainly never been an obnoxious model in the Big Brother house – I’ll have to check my notes, but I’m pretty sure they’ve all been beacons of sunshine. Can we get the research department on that? Anyway, Monet keeps telling us how much she hates stupid and trashy girls, so unless she’s a cross between Stephen Hawking and Audrey Hepburn, she might be setting herself up for a fall. But, you know, her proudest achievement is that she looks good in her driver’s license picture, so she’s off on the right foot. I have to take issue with the fact that one of the adjectives she uses to describe herself is “the coolest person you will ever meet”. First, not an adjective. Second, cool people rarely have to pre-sell themselves like that. Finally, I’ve met Bruce freaking Campbell, lady! You’re going to tell me with a straight face that you are cooler than Bruce Campbell? Yeah, didn’t think so. (ej)