Big Brother

Big Brother 9 – Episode 2

Sharon, who was sitting on Joshuah’s lap during the house meeting, can’t believe this crap, and I don’t blame her. Poor girl tried to get away from this idiot and he showed up like a bad penny. To save herself more than anything, she meets with Parker privately and strongly suggests Ryan is the culprit.

Jen and Parker are rather cozy in the hammock, where he tells her about Sharon’s revelation. Unable to handle the idea that she’d have to evict her boyfriend, she lets him in on the secret. He’s surprised and, I think, a little disappointed. Jen swears over and over that she’s there to win. They call Ryan over and give him the scoop. He immediately says he has to tell Allison. When he does, she’s clearly blown away and bummed out. Allison? Not a fan of Jen. She thinks Ryan should be with someone who’s “less jealous and catty and needs to be the center of attention.” Both guys DR that they don’t trust each other, and the girls do the same.

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