Big Brother

Big Brother 9 – Episode 2

Another quick segment in which Sheila complains again, this time about Adam’s snoring. Honey, welcome to my world. Just give him a good shove.

And now it’s eviction day. This is kind of random–no nominations, no Power of Veto, just an eviction, courtesy of Jen and Parker. She is crying from the get go. She feels bad for Sharon, as do we all, I think, but she and Jacob are evicted because he’s one creepy little dude. Run, Sharon, run! Sheila and Adam are surprised and he busts out the crazy eyes as they celebrate.

Finally, we arrive at the first official Head of Household competition (HOH). Since they aren’t actually outgoing HOH, Jen and Parker are allowed to participate. Wow, they’re pretty lucky. And since they can’t host, we have some special guests! Yay–Eric and Jess from BB8, who are actually still dating–are here to do the honors.

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