Big Brother

Big Brother 9: Nominations – Wk 2 (Feb 26)

Oh yay, a food competition. I’ll make this quick.  We’ve got two teams:  Josh/Sharon, Nat/Matt and Ryan/Allison versus Alex/Amanda, Chelsia/James and Sheila/Adam.  They have to retrieve some very stinky dead fish and put them in the opposite teams’ buckets in order to weight them so heavily that the players must let go.  So, the producers watched Survivor last week, apparently.  Josh narrates the competition for us, all the while wearing his little yellow kerchief jauntily knotted on the side, ala Big Gay Al from South Park.

Then we have a boring sequence where we discover that Amanda misuses the word “Bueno” all day, everyday.  Fascinating.

A pan across the long, fake bookshelf (how appropriate!) leads us to James and Chelsia getting cozy in the HOH room.  James DRs that he has some feelings for Chelsia.  She sort of says the same, but I think if she had a TV she might feel differently. She’s just really bored.  Bottom line, James seems pretty immature, has zero game and would appear to be a pretty bad kisser. I need to bleach my brain now.

The Dumbest Subplot Ever is back, and that’s the outing of Lesbian Lovers Allison and Sheila.  Chelsia and James are told it’s not true and they seem mildly peeved.  Joshuah feels so betrayed, it leads him to wonder if he’s still gay.  Wow, I guess I was right when I said he’d really go whichever way the wind blew!  A little bit later, Chelsia and Josh decide the two are pathological liars.

And now, the long, drawn out nominations boil down to Alex and Amanda and Nat and Matt being put up for eviction.  James says to all assembled that they wanted to be assured of Nat and Matt competing for the POV and nominating them was the only way to do that.  Natalie is somehow honored to be considered so strong and references her “two sets” of guns.  For his part, Matt is pissed!  He says he better win POV and he will be “gunning for James.”  I assume he means next week, or someone needs to explain the game to him again.  Amanda threatens to use “every ounce of her blood, sweat and tears” to stay in the house.  Well, that’s disgusting.  Let’s end on that.

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