Big Brother

Big Brother 9 – Power of Veto

Joshuah is allowed to choose between Jacob and Sharon for Neil’s replacement. Is that really a choice? Of course, it’s Sharon. I don’t think she’s changed her clothes in the time she’s been gone. With the whole group assembled, Sharon is reintroduced and caught up on the scandal that is Jen and Ryan’s relationship. She is appropriately shocked and horrified, just like all people are in the face of such a terrible miscarriage of justice. Can we be done with the little plot line already?

Amanda now tells us that she and Alex are “very different when it comes to relationships”. Well, sure. I love how some of these people think that since Big Brother deemed them soulmates, they are suddenly dating. For his part, Alex is annoyed at the way Amanda flaunts her assets around the house for all to see. On the one hand, amen, but on the other, he’s sounding a tad possessive, dontcha think? I go back and forth on Alex quite often. Our relationship is very complicated.

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