Big Brother

Big Brother 9 – Power of Veto

This starts a whole soap opera wherein James mentions his little theory to Alex, and tells him to look at the “big picture”. Alex, fueled by his jealousy of Parker and Amanda, decides they must know each other. He shares his theory with Matt who, quite correctly, thinks he’s over- analyzing things. The theory quickly moves to Amanda who flips out that she swore “on God”. Well, at least she uses the word “integrity” properly. She goes to Parker with the whole thing and, as is his wont, Parker immediately confronts Alex, to whom he admits a crush on Amanda. Then, he heads outside to confront James. This devolves into a shouting match between James and Parker in the yard. Get used to these little playlets, folks. I have a pretty good feeling we’ll see a few more tomorrow night, though the players might be different. (Spoilers? What spoilers?)

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