Big Brother

Big Brother 9 – Power of Veto

There’s more talk about “soulmates” and “disrespect ” and blah, blah, blah. Second verse, same as the first. Moving on.

And now we have the Power of Veto competition, where only the HOH couple, the two nominated couples and one more picked at random will play. As fate would have it, Alex picks Matt and Nat’s names from the bag.

Joshuah is picked to host the POV. He is WAY into it and, again, it is not good to listen to. In short, one of the partners must be strapped to a spinning wheel and the other must spin them while they keep their finger on a “panic” button. The goal is to make 300 revolutions. Jen is immediately barking orders at Parker, such as “Parker, GO!” and “How bad do you want this?!” She is so annoying. Allison lets go of her button and is out first, which she finds very “fusterating”. Amanda comes off, admitting in the DR that she let go on purpose; she doesn’t want to be involved in having any say in the veto at this point.

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