Big Brother

Big Brother 9: Thoughts (Mar 13)

Having his own personal stalker certainly paid dividends for Matt this week, as his opponents in the house–basically everyone except Ryan and Adam–came up with the brilliant idea to offer Ryan two weeks of safety if he’d put up “his boy” after the Power of Veto competition.  This went down in front of Natalie (pun intended), who kept the secret for a grand total of one second before Matt batted his eyes, took her by the hand and got her to spill.

This plan was hatched in the wake of Ryan’s nominations of Sharon (BB’s own Hillary Clinton–the girl has no concept of how amplified sound works) and Chelsia.  That was the original game plan of The Four Horsemen 2: Electric Boogaloo, aka Ryan, Matt, James and Adam.  But James was trying to play both sides from the get-go, and felt guilty right away.  It doesn’t seem Chelsia even suspects he had anything to do with it.  Joshuah weaseled his way into feeble-minded Ryan’s good graces, and avoided getting nominated this week.  Must have been all that praying he did in the hot tub.  I’m sure he’ll get those rock hard abs he asked for as long as he follows through on his promise to tithe ten percent to the church.  His declaration right before the veto meeting about how he’d made the biggest strategic move in Big Brother history was hilariously premature, as Matt (wearing sunglasses, Natalie beaming by his side) did not get nominated in Chelsia’s place; James did.  Funny how, when the tables were turned on Josh, this round was downgraded to a “minor battle” all of a sudden.

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