Big Brother

Big Brother 9 Breakdown

Chenbot returns to tell us there are a few secrets afoot. Apparently, Sharon and Jacob are exes, and he cheated, which he appears to regret deeply, if his bio is any indication. We do not find out any of the circumstances. Sharon is clearly all screwed up about this. She knows she should be really mad–and she is–but she admits that she still loves him. Well, this could be interesting. Or not at all. This is Big Brother, where “big twists” rarely play out like the producers want them to.

Jen and Ryan (both from Columbus–I knew that was too much of a coincidence!) are apparently a couple who’ve been dating for nine months, living together for seven. They plan to play as strangers…and, well, we’ve seen that before, so I think they’re in for a surprise. The boys also get sent into the house in two groups and Jen tells us in the Diary Room that when she saw Ryan, she tried to be low-key and she feels she stayed “cool, calm and collective (sic)” Good for you Jen! You are not helping Ohio’s rep right now.

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