Big Brother

Big Brother 9 Breakdown

When Jacob spots Sharon, he has to walk right through the living room and into another room to collect himself. Sharon has a panic attack. I can’t blame either of them.

We then get an edited version of all fourteen houseguests sitting around the sectional introducing themselves. James, sporting a red mohawk and, God help me, a tattoo of a bow (like, one you’d put on a present) on his clavicle, announces the whole bike deal. One of the girls asks, “Are you a triathalonist?” I rewound this several times, but could not find the culprit. Chelsia proclaims him “a free spirit”. Natalie tells everyone she’s from the ‘Beaver state”. Of course she does. She and her fake boobs also say they are representin’ the “nature people”. Shockingly, Matt likes her. Must be her loves of nature. Chelsia figures she’s the youngest, and as such says they can “pick (Her) up and rock (her)” Matt also finds this line appealing. Amanda says her gaydar picked up on Joshua right away. Allison, in the diary room, says she did not want to tell the group that she is a reformed gambler, as it might give people insight into her ability to play people. Matt also likes Sheila, who gets a smattering of applause for not looking all of her forty-five years. Just wait.

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