Big Brother

Big Brother 9 Breakdown

Alex and Amanda–they’re sort of cute, at least on the surface James and Chelsia–aka The Annoying Twins Natalie and Matt–Of course Jen and Parker–Wow. I thought they might be nice and put Jen and Ryan together, but man, will this be awkward! Josh and Neil–It’s by default, but they’re cute enough Jacob and Sharon–This is so tense, and they begin to fight immediately. Ryan and Allison–Alright…. Sheila and Adam–Sheila is not pleased.

And do you know how I know? Because she proceeds to be so mean and nasty to this poor guy the second they are paired up. Look, he’s not a hottie. He may even be annoying. But, way to be a superficial bitch, lady! And she doesn’t even save it for the diary room; she just starts talking about him to other people as if he’s not two feet away. In the DR, she says, “Maybe I’m shallow. I like guys who work out.” Um, first of all, maybe? Second of all, how do you know he doesn’t work out? It’s certainly not because you asked him!

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