Big Brother

Big Brother 9 Breakdown

After we head to a commercial to cleanse the pallet, we return to see our very first Head of Household competition. Chenbot tells us one couple will be evicted in mere “hours”. This is known as “Wednesday” to the viewer. Matt is convinced his obvious super strength will lead to his ouster if he and Natalie don’t win, based on his being a threat to win every challenge. Really, Matt, how’d Fear Factor work out again for ya, buddy?

The backyard is set up with seven “honeymoon beds” that have harnesses suspended above them. After some sqabbling, mostly from Sharon and Jacob, all the guys end up going in the harness, while the women (and Neil) lie on the beds. Each one has to grab her partner (and Joshuh) and hang on, as they’ll both have to stay suspended above the bed the longest to become the season’s first “Power Couple”.

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