Big Brother

Big Brother Breakdown–And Then There Were Two (April 24)

Adam seems to think that if he were to be attending the What Happens in Vegas premiere, rather than Ryan and Sharon, he’d be able to hook up with Cameron Diaz.  I’m going to go out on a limb and say no, and not just because her dad recently died, so she might not even be there.

I finally decided what the best analogy is for Sharon’s constant monotone screaming in the DR (which this week, spilled over into the luxury competition in a major way).  You know how on your wedding video, your 80-year-old relatives wish you luck and happiness while holding a microphone, speaking loudly and looking either straight ahead with no expression or into their laps because they don’t think you can actually see them on the tape, just hear them?  That’s Sharon.

Sheila still likes to cry, no matter what the occasion. She actually let Sharon, who was on the block a total of six times this season, console her after nominations! She also feels it’s a good idea to sleep in a bra and panties whilst she is hand-cuffed to Adam for 24 hours.  Oh, and how could I forget?  She almost “drownded” in Hawaii during a hurricane.

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