Big Brother

Big Brother Breakdown–And Then There Were Two (April 24)

Joshuah and Matt have became fast friends in the jury house.  Not exactly Kent & Bunky 2: Electric Boogaloo, but whatever. 

Speaking of Matty, he seems to think “Team Matty” is winning the game.  Sweetie, I got news.  You’re not on the team anymore, so you don’t get to name it for yourself.  Also, stop being such a dick to Natalie, who I don’t even like!  I went back and forth all season between feeling your pain and thinking you were kind of a shmuck.  Now, in the words of my dear friend and spunkybean comrade EJ, you are “about five flavors of tool”. 

It would appear that Ryan’s trust in Adam, though it could have gone awry several times, is being rewarded.  He agreed to let him take out Sharon, who both guys felt was a much stronger competitor for the final HOH than Sheila.  This could’ve been a big mistake for Ryan, as a win by Adam could have put him at risk of going to the jury due to Adam and Sheila’s plans.  Baller admitted as much, saying he didn’t know what he’d do if won, but he’d set himself up for either of the other two to take him, so it wasn’t a top priority.  He has to hurry up and see how the Bible turns out, after all. Now, the big question is who will vote which way on the jury.  These are my thoughts.

As much as Matt likes both guys, I think we have it on good authority that Ryan is his “boy” and will therefore get his vote. Chelsia called Adam spineless on her way out, and she both flirted with and yelled at Ryan, so this would also seem to be a vote for Ryan, unless she is influenced by James, who seems to have forged a weird bond with Adam and said he hated Ryan when he sat with the Chenbot. Joshuah is hard to figure, since I don’t really recall him being friends with either guy too much in the house.  I’ll go on some of the internet gossip I’ve heard about some common (sniff, sniff) interests he and Adam have and say he’ll vote for Adam as well.  Sharon would seems a slam dunk for Ryan, who she can only blame for trusting Adam, but not hold directly responsible for her departure.  Natalie, who was much more loyal to Ryan throughout, may be holding a grudge since she was assured by Adam that he voted her way, not Ryan.  But, it’s Natalie, so who knows.  And last we have Sheila, who will be loyal to Adam until her dying day, apparently. 

So, that’s three semi-sure votes for Ryan, in my opinion and four that I think Adam has the best chance at nabbing.  Then again, Adam’s strategy of telling everyone what they wanted to hear could come back to bite him big time.  Ryan’s been pretty decent on the show, barring the revalation early on that he’s a racist, which may or not ever come up again.  Sunday will be interesting, in that we’ll see how these geniuses break down who’s more worthy and we are regaled with what promise to be two of the most eloquent speeches in the history of Big Brother from our Final Two.  I can hardly wait for it to end.  No, seriously, I CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER.

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