Matt pronounces the whole swearing on the bible thing ridiculous which, agreed, and that takes us into the Matt and Alex Man Love portion of our show. The two guys are fast friends, and with their girls, have formed a four person (or two couple, really) alliance to the end, vowing to just pass HOH and POV back and forth each week. Good luck with that, guys.
Next, we see Sheila giving her sage wisdom to Allison, who now hates her partner, just like Sheila does! The two of them decide to say they’re lesbian couple in real life. No, really, they’re going to tell everyone that story. They seem to think it’s a real “power play”. Um, ladies? Didn’t we just see how petty this group is when it comes to lying of any kind? You just swore on the bible that you knew no one before the game, and now you’re going to try to pull this off? They decide that telling Josh is like telling “the Daily News” and, y’all? He totally buys it. He scurries off to tell Neil and they freak out in the storage room. Josh actually says, “That’s why she wears those riding boots all the time!” You have GOT to be kidding me! Chelsia also gets the story and, in what appears to be a serious DR, says, “they’re in love. It’s adorable.” Really? C’mon, you’re all just messing with me, right?