Big Brother

Big Brother 9: Buh-Bye, Matty! (Mar 21)

Matt: ‘Jacob married two girls in one week.”

Adam: “Jacob gets busy, dude.”

Ryan:  “Jacob’s the man.”

Adam:  “Goliath is nine feet tall, six cubits and a span.”

Matt:  “That’s a big ass dude.”

The boys are excited because all this time studying the bible should help them get more “references” (really?) and has inspired them to make like their hero, Indiana Jones, and go on a search for the Holy Grail after the show’s over.

Even though I don’t think Ryan is in any way a genius, he’s smart to have a secret alliance with Josh, who I really wish I could root for, but just can’t.  I’m just kind of waiting for him to blow up at someone again (of course, it will be a female.  I’d love to see him try and pick a fight with Ryan.  Ha!), and I enjoyed the relative lack of his presence this week.

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