Big Brother

Big Brother 9: Buh-Bye, Matty! (Mar 21)

James continues to impress me (while simultaneously grossing me out on Big Brother After Dark by–get this–biting his TOENAILS.  EW!) not only with his game play, but also his proper usage and pronunciation of the word “chutzpah”.  I just hope the success of his power play this week doesn’t cause him to become insufferable as the weeks go on.

Someone who had already reached that plateau was Matt, who fancied himself a puppetmaster, but couldn’t hold Dr. Will Kirby’s jock when it came to keeping track of his many lies or charming people into doing whatever he said.  When you make out with someone (Sharon) and they don’t buy what you’re sellin’, that’s not going to help you out in the game.  He seemed either very touched or a little concerned by Natalie’s admission that she still thinks they might be soulmates in her goodbye.  Poor guy’s trying to be gracious, but I feel like he’s praying for any other person at all to join him in the sequester house besides Natalie, and I can’t blame him.  Part of me thinks she might campaign to get herself sent there as soon as possible.

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