Big Brother

Big Brother Elimination and HoH Week 6

Ragan tells Matt how much he deserves to be in the house. Matt calls Ragan his “little guy”. Hee. I don’t remember seeing when they became close, but the last couple of weeks, they’ve been total besties. Later, Matt talks to Enzo and Hayden – he asks them if they’ll at least let him know if they’re voting it out. Oh, that’s great. He can get a feel for where he really stands with them and maybe bust up that alliance. Let’s face it, Matt, Britney, and Ragan could run the show as an alliance. Hayden tells Matt about the pretzel message, and Matt wonders why Kathy didn’t tell him, since she was the one to find it. He says Kathy is now a prime nominee, and I can live with that.
Enzo tells Lane that he can’t vote for Matt. He says that both he and Hayden will vote to keep Lane. Enzo’s backing the wrong horse here. He then goes to tell Matt that he and Hayden don’t know what they’re doing yet. But if Matt were to go home, he’d still want Enzo to win, right? Matt sniffs out this line of crap in a big hurry. Also, Matt is wearing pajama bottoms featuring cartoon monkeys. Just something that should be noted.
More adventures of Ragan the Saboteur. He likes a suggestion to leave a note somewhere that says “I know your secret”. Man, I wish they’d get back to the physical sabotage. That had the potential to be funny. He leaves a note on Enzo’s bed. This is a good choice, because Enzo takes everything the Saboteur says as gospel truth and really frets about those weak-ass video threats. I think he really believes the Saboteur wants to kill him. He shows off his Saboteur letter, overusing the word “yo”. You should not begin and end a sentence with that word.
Enzo suspects Kathy because she made his bed. So, she made his bed, left a note, and then when Enzo finds the note, tells him that she made his bed. Sounds like the actions of a note-leaver to me! Lane points out that Kathy made his bed too, but that may have been a smokescreen to hide her real agenda. But why would she make the bed? Why wouldn’t she just leave the note rather than make beds for a week? Enzo’s line of logic is bizarre and infuriating. He compares it to Scooby-Doo where “the Governor is the ghost”. That would have been an awesome episode, you have to admit. “It turns out the mer-man was… Vermont Governor Jim Douglas!” Oh, also Enzo thinks that the “-S” that signs off the letter is for “Sheriff”. Or maybe it could be for “Saboteur”. Just spitballing here.
Still, the “Kathy is the Saboteur” movement gains ground, because it’s so easy for everybody to believe that she’s deliberately throwing competitions. Matt likes this, because it means he can put Kathy up and everybody will be happy that he got rid of the Saboteur. That’s $20,000 for Ragan, which he earned just for telling Rachel off.
We’re back Live! Julie asks Britney what it was like to see Rachel again. Britney says she didn’t believe it was really happening. Julie asks Ragan about the throwdown, and he says it was worth losing a jury vote to tell Rachel off. She asks Lane what he wants from home, and it’s “Muscle Milk”. Is that a thing? What do you milk to get that? I’m totally skeeved out at the prospect. He says it tastes like a milk version of “Thanksgiving food”. Like, all Thanksgiving food? Turkey and cranberries and applesauce and those pickles wrapped in ham that my aunt makes every year even though nobody ever eats them – all in a glass of milk? This is totally blowing my mind. Julie asks who believes the Saboteur is still in the house. Wait, isn’t that the point of the Saboteur? Did she mean to ask a different question and screw it up? It turns out, everybody believes it, because of how the Saboteur keeps doing stuff. She says the Saboteur’s “reign of terror” is over. Well, more like a reign of mild inconvenience.
Hey, we’re going to get a chance to see Lane and Britney’s respective families. Britney’s parents are adorable and are very proud of her. Though I could go my whole life without seeing pre-teen Britney in one of those creepy child pageants. Britney’s mom thinks Lane has a crush, but Britney is holding back. She says Britney is engaged. Did we know that?
Lane’s family looks like they are all Lane in different outfits. Mom Lane calls him a “meathead jock who loves puppies”. Brother Lane (“Gunter”) is surprised that Lane and Britney haven’t hooked up, and doesn’t like that it’s distancing him from the Brigade. Yeah, because that’s a power team.
All right, Lane and Matt get one last chance to plead their case. Matt is going first. He makes fun of Brendon for being unable to make decisions for himself and his need to “rely on pretzel messages”. Wait, do I like Matt now? This is very confusing. He congratulates Brendon for “coming so close to achieving his goal. But better luck next time, you big dummy.” And he pulls out the Diamond Power of Veto! That is fantastic! Especially, “you big dummy”. That’s absolutely hilarious to me.
The Diamond PoV falls apart, and Matt acknowledges it’s not well put-together. Hee. Julie confirms that the Diamond PoV is a real thing. Britney is freaking out hilariously. Brendon looks like somebody smacked him. He’s waiting for guidance from the Spirit of Rachel. Matt says he wants to make the House as competitive as possible to make sure Brendon goes home next week, so he’s putting Kathy up. The expression on Kathy’s face is hard to read. She is totally broken on the inside.
Lane knows that he’s totally safe now, so his last speech is a shout-out to his family. Kathy says if it’s her time to go, then it’s her time to go. Brendon has not moved or blinked since Matt started talking. The vote is unanimous, and some people are positively gleeful. Not like they hate Kathy, but I think she’s pretty easy to vote out. She’s just sort of… there.
Julie breaks the news, which surprises nobody. Kathy seems pretty good with it, actually. She’s not confusing this game with real life, which is good. Ragan volunteers to take care of the fish for her, and I’m sorry we haven’t seen more of the fish. Brendon still has the same expression on his face.
Kathy tells Julie she wishes she had the chance to fight. You know, technically she competed in the PoV this week. She sort of did have the chance. In her Chenterview, she’s perfectly normal and fairly boring. Sort of like you knew she’d be. I think she’s a nice lady – she does not make for compelling TV, but I think she’s good to people and probably has a lot going for her in the real world. And now she has to hang out in the Jury House with Rachel, who will immediately resume hectoring her for that apology.
Head of Household time! We see past footage of the Magic Voice telling them that they’re playing “Big Brother Says”, where the voice tells them to do stuff, and they do. They TP the HoH bedroom, have a two-minute group hug, and howl at the moon. And this forms the basis of the HoH competition.
Julie’s going to ask them about the previous day’s commands, and they answer a true-or-false question. The questions are kind of boring, really. Ragan and Hayden are out on the first question. Matt goes out on the second question, and I think he threw it. He’s got a weird smirk, and I don’t think he wants to have to nominate somebody against Brendon and make a fresh enemy. Lane is the next to drop out. It’s Enzo and Britney now. They both get the next question right. And then they both get the next one wrong. Now she’s asking questions about things we didn’t even see. With the next question, Britney wins Head of Household and all is right with the world!
Julie says good-night to the houseguests, and then tells the viewers what’s going on, and Thursday is going to be a Double Eviction Night! Oh man, those are great because they really throw off the stupid players. They don’t have anybody to explain strategy to them and then things get all weird. In the house, Brendon’s expression still hasn’t changed. If anybody’s got the Live Feeds, let us know at one point Brendon finally snaps and releases a primal howl in the direction of a distant and uncaring god.
Myndi will bring you the next nominations, and I think it’s safe to say that ol’ Brendon’s name is going to come up.
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