Big Brother

Big Brother Finale: The Summer of our Discontent

Ah, the introduction of the jury.  Always an interesting moment.  The applause is fairly tepid, but ticks up just a bit for Britney.  Julie says they have a seat left for the final juror.  Britney says she’s hoping for anyone but Lane to be out next, and Matt is pretty sure it will be Enzo, which of course it is.  The group agreed on six questions to ask the Final Two, and Enzo will get to ask an additional one.

Rachel’s question is of course about the fact that the jury won the majority of the competitions.  Lane says his game was social and about making friends.  Brendon asks Hayden who he’d like in the final two if they weren’t Brigade members.  Hayden smartly compliments Brendon, and says he and Britney would be the best to fill the seats.  Matt asks Lane if he would have picked Brit over a Brigade member for Final Two.  Lane tries to dance around it, but Julie calls him out and forces him to say a name.  He says he’s “100 percent loyal” to the Brigade, of course.  Matt: “Not a hundred.”  Uncomfortable laughter ensues.

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