Big Brother

Big Brother Finale: The Summer of our Discontent

Julie asks if he has any regrets about the lie and Matt says in a long winded way that he doesn’t.  He was doing it straight up for sympathy votes and knows he would have had them if he’d made final two.  He also thanks Andrew for the correct pronunciation if he should ever need to use this ploy again, so Matt’s learned absolutely nothing from all of this.

Annie says Enzo deserves to be inside and and that the game is all about numbers.  Julie says Lane told Britney he wanted to take her, and then, just now, he said he was loyal to the Brigade…so what’s the truth?  Julie show everyone the tape of Lane in the diary room, saying he intended to take Britney, and she is gleeful.  Enzo says Lane was in deep, like Donnie Brasco, and he had to win that POV to get him out.

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