Big Brother

Big Brother Finale: The Summer of our Discontent

Britney is impressed that “an undercover alliance made it to the Final Three intact”.  Cut to Matt, looking depressed.  Matt says he can’t think of a reason why Enzo should win.  Britney talks about his “social game”, which is the new catchphrase.  Ragan doesn’t think farting in somebody’s face is worth half a million dollars.  Depends on whose face, I guess.  Then Matt talks about how Hayden played a much better game.  Rachel doesn’t agree, because she can’t compliment somebody who beat her.  They all kind of agree that Lane was nice, but “This is Big Brother, not Big Clergyman”.  Which I would totally watch.  Ragan doesn’t think somebody should win for being nice, but Lane actually won challenges and got stuff done.  Brendon says that nobody who’s left is a competitor.  Well, they outcompeted you, bro.

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