Big Brother

Big Brother Finale: The Summer of our Discontent

And now it’s time for the final HoH competition!  Since it’s the season of no surprises, it’s the same final HoH they have every year.  Julie reads statements made by members of the Jury, and they have to choose how the statement ends.  Point for every right answer, whoever has the most points after six rounds wins.

Hey, Rachel’s favorite moment in the house was “falling in love with Bendon.”  Everybody gets a point.  Kathy says the most shocking moment was when Rachel returned.  Everybody gets a point.  Matt’s fatal error was throwing his last HoH competition.  Everybody gets a point.  Brendon is ashamed of going off on Britney and Ragan.  Everybody gets a point.  Ragan says the houseguest who needs a reality check the most is Brendon (“Because he was willing to give his waitress a half-million dollar tip”).  Nobody gets a point.  Britney says the funniest moment in the house was Rachel and Ragan’s fight.  Nobody gets a point.  So they’re tied at four each, and this proved nothing.  Kind of a metaphor for the season.

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