Big Brother

Big Brother Finale: The Summer of our Discontent

It’s our final Chenterview!  Enzo feels positive about everybody, and Julie gets awesome by asking “Were you surprised by how poorly you did in competitions?”  And Enzo has the balls to act like that was strategy!  He plugs CBS and threatens to “Dirty Dance with everybody” and thanks his parents for making him.

And that’s the one-hour mark.  For the rest of the evening, Myndi’s running the show.  Take it away, Myndi!

Hey, y’all!  Now that Enzo has accomplished the impressive feat of amusing me and simultaneously making me want to bathe in bleach after his dirty dancing comment, let’s get to the jury interrogation, shall we?  Man, where’s Sayid Jarrah when you need him?  That would be some stuntcasting we could get behind.

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