Big Brother

Big Brother Snap Judgements

James, 21, Riding Bicycle Around the World. I’m sorry, but this is not an occupation, it’s a cry for help. There is exactly one person who finds James funny and his name is James. This kid is a psychiatrist’s wet dream. Every single thing he does is an attempt to get attention. I’m guessing I will want to throttle him immediately. Heck, I already do!

Joshuah, 25, Media Buyer. This guy is extremely confused. First, there’s the extra “H”. Then, there’s his bio, which proclaims him to be gay at the beginning, and a guy who “played straight” growing up. But by the end, he’s saying he’s bisexual and an exhibitionist (of course). Wait, what? I have whiplash! He’s very, very pretty, and he’ll obviously be good at going whichever way the wind blows, so he may do well in the game.

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