Big Brother

Big Brother Update : Final Four Nominations

After Ragan’s eviction, Enzo congratulates himself and the Brigade.  Hayden says they’re destined for Final Three.  Back out at the competition, Hayden is in the lead and Britney is having all kinds of trouble, breaking things left and right.  She makes a ballbuster joke.  Enzo is thrown off by the existence of the fake snow; apparently he’s never heard of a snow machine.  Lane thinks having to say “Christmas Ornament” constantly in his play-by-play is sort of taxing.  Oh, the things these people have to do to win $500K.

Hayden suddenly gets the dropsies, while Britney gets the hang of it and passes Enzo.  I’m just amazed people aren’t screaming the “F” word constantly, because that’s what I would be doing.  Finally, Hayden gets all 18 ornaments and the star on top, while the other two lag behind, and wins HOH.  Britney is crying in the Diary Room and Enzo says an HOH is clearly not “in the books” for him.

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