Big Brother

Big Brother Veto Week 5 — Jeff and Jordan Heal the Pain

Previously on Big Brother:  Matt won HoH after proving to be good at standing once again.  Showing that he’s learned his lesson, he actually nominated the people he wanted out, Rachel and Brendon.  The two of them managed to make us hope that their relationship is the real thing, because it prevents anybody else from getting caught up with either of them.  And Ragan became the new Saboteur, though his lack of a poker face could prove to be a problem.
This is the episode that Myndi and I have been waiting for all season – the return of last season’s Jeff and Jordan!  If you read last season’s recaps, you know that we loved them (especially Jeff) to an almost unseemly degree.  I am absolutely giddy with anticipation!
In the aftermath of nominations, Ragan busts out an “Hallelujah!”, while Rachel cries about the possibility that somebody doesn’t love her.  She wonders how she got to be the bad guy.  Dear, watch the season when you get home, paying special attention to your voice and your nasty attitude.  I think you’ll see where it comes from.
And then we get classy as hell, because Brendon tells Matt “Hope you like step stools.  Midget.”  Wait, what?  Did the nominations make him shorter and thus it’s only now that he has to get used to step stools?  Did Brendon frequently lift him up so he could reach things, and is now denying that service?  And, you know, Matt’s not even that short.  It’s weird, and it speaks to a depressing lack of creativity on Brendon’s part.

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