Big Brother

Big Brother: Week 4 Nominations and Veto

Well, it looks like “graduating” from their cliques has certainly had an effect on some people in the Big Brother house, while others will always try to relive the glory days of high school.  As Russell has become wise to and freed from the shackles of his cliquemates and defacto alliance with “Ronnie the Rat”, the power has shifted once again.

But I’m getting slightly ahead of myself.  The HOH endurance competition was a grueling one.  That giant diploma-shaped battering ram gave Ronnie and Chima a well-deserved karmic beating for their smarminess and the rope swings from hell made Natalie dry heave and drop to the ground with a thud.  Kevin and Lydia, filling out their “offbeat” roles to a tee, both dropped quickly and earned the resentment of petty Jessie and Natalie for winning $5,000 and a flat-screen TV respectively.  I have to say I hate that reason for putting people on the block almost as much as I hate when people swear on their children.

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