Big Brother

Big Brother: Week 4 Nominations and Veto

We got a very brief peek at what I thought was sort of an uncomfortable scene of Russell and Chima’s showmance, which she seems to have already trashed with a combination of an annoying cackle and being possessive and jealous of Lydia and Michelle.  Just like I said earlier; some people truly graduate from high school b.s., and some can’t hack it.

The only issue I have with Russell’s reign as HOH is his “snake versus mongoose” speech because, well, it was sort of lame.  But his nominations of Lydia and Ronnie, coupled with publicly busting them for talking behind his back, were spot on.  Plus, I think his decision to align with Jeff, Jordan, Kevin, veto winner Michelle and (by default) Lydia is far superior to the other option.  And it’s fun watching formerly gloating Jessie, automaton Natalie and bitchy Chima just get all bent out of shape and act entitled.  They played the game too big too early, and beyond seeing Ronnie leave this week, it’d be nice to see them all go in quick succession.

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