
Heroes 4-18 “Brave New World”

Charlie tells Hiro that “everything is about to give out”, and Hiro offers to fix everything. Ando takes Hiro aside and suggests that might not be the best idea, and that Hiro’s being kind of selfish. Hiro doesn’t see it that way.

Emma is still playing the cello and trying to fight Doyle’s control. Her fingers have started to bleed. Bennet and Claire are at the Carnival now, because their helicopter was just that fast, yo. They split up to try and find Samuel. Meanwhile, Peter and Sylar have also arrived. Peter is able to start putting his dream in context. Sylar goes off to find Emma, while Peter looks for Samuel. Bennet calls for Hiro, and then Knife Guy holds a knife to his throat. Sylar finds Emma. He tries to pull the cello away, but Doyle takes control of his movements. You know, I really like Doyle. He’s nice and creepy, and he doesn’t have to be the focus of every episode he appears in. Still, dude is way out of his league if he thinks he can take on Sylar.

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