
Heroes 4-18 “Brave New World”

Knife Guy pulls Bennet behind a trailer, as Bennet explains that he’s only here to stop Samuel from killing everybody. Knife Guy finds that a worthy goal. He can’t kill Samuel in front of all his friends, but he’s betting that Bennet has a plan. See, this is a guy who’s been watching the show.

In the hospital, Hiro explains his time traveling plan to Charlie, and she does not seem excited about it. See, she’s already lived a full life. Her granddaughter runs in to see her, and Charlie beams. It sinks in for Hiro – Charlie doesn’t want to give up the life that she had. If she goes back and starts over, her children and grandchildren would never exist. Hiro reluctantly agrees not to forcible alter her timeline. At that point, Ando comes in to tell him that Bennet needs their help.

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