
Heroes 4-2 “Jump, Push, Fall”

In her dorm, Claire is being questioned by a detective about Annie’s death. She’s a little hard on the dead girl who she’s known for one day, actually. When confronted with a suicide note, Claire says it wasn’t in the room when she got there, and she suspects foul play.
In the present, Hiro’s sister asks where he is, and Ando works very hard at being the worst liar in the world. It’s pretty funny when he finally tells the truth, though. “He slipped through space and time and now is most likely at a carnival fourteen years ago.” Hee. I just realized that she doesn’t know about their powers, so she must really think that “Dial a Hero” is the stupidest idea in the world.
Fourteen years ago, Samuel chats up Hiro and shows him his “gift”. He has a tattoo of a compass, and he makes the needle spin. Apparently he’s using his telekinesis to move the tattoo ink, which is indeed pretty awesome. He asks Hiro about the younger version of himself, and Hiro explains that he’s the “master of time and space”. There’s a cute moment when young Hiro yells out “I did it!” in Japanese, as our Hiro is prone to do.
Samuel explains that Hiro can make some changes to the past without screwing up time. He coaxes Hiro into stopping Ando from spilling his drink on Hiro’s sister, the event that made her hate him. Sure enough, Hiro ends up getting wet and then jolts back to the present day. Ando asks Hiro if he saved his life, and I totally don’t understand what Hiro could have done 14 years ago that would mean he wouldn’t be dying in the present. Did I miss something? I watch these things pretty carefully, you know.
Hiro asks if anything has changed for Ando, clearly not realizing that people don’t realize when the timeline has changed, unless they’re Desmond Hume or White Oracle. Or Rip Hunter, in a pinch. Hiro did change time though, because when Kimiko enters the room, she kisses Ando. Yep, Hiro turned them into lovers by messing with the timestream.
Back with Bennet and Tracy, Tracy explains what happened to Danko. Bennet doesn’t think the injuries are consistent with a revenge killing, but rather somebody looking for something. Bennet roots around inside Danko’s corpse and finds a key. There is nothing that needs to be unlocked that badly, I tell you what.
Parkman residence. Matt’s getting ready for work, which involves a badge. Matt’s back on the force! He’s also jealous of the guy who delivers water, because Janice is clearly banging him. Or maybe that the dude has spent more time with Baby Matt than Matt has. But it’s not like Janice doesn’t cheat on him.
Now, off to Peter’s apartment, where Bennet is paying a visit. Hilariously, the only thing Peter has in his fridge is mustard as well. Peter explains that he’s using powers borrowed from Suresh to be a better paramedic. Bennet spills the beans about super-fast knife guy and Danko’s death. Peter, for his part, is just intrigued that he might be able to copy some new speed powers.
Sandra comes to visit Claire at college. She tells Claire to pipe down about the fake suicide note, because nobody wants to hear that about their kid. When they get to Claire’s room, Gretchen is hanging out and waiting. Gretchen won’t shut up about Annie’s death, to the extent that she drives Sandra right out of the room. She then immediately asks Claire how they’re going to prove it was murder. Whoa, slow down there, Bloodhound Gang! You knew this girl for exactly the length of one game of Guitar Hero III. I’m not sure this is meant to be your big character-defining cause.
Bennet and Peter are in a bank vault – must be what Danko’s key is good for. Bennet chews out Peter for the fact that he doesn’t have any human connections anymore. Dude, he used to hang out with Suresh! Wouldn’t that put you off people fore a while. Inside Danko’s safety deposit box is a broken compass, one that looks just like the one that Samuel tossed into his brother’s grave. A bank guard enters and falls over dead, revealing knife-happy Edgar behind him. Peter tosses him across the vault, copying his power as he does so. There’s a super-speed knife fight, which is cooler than you’d expect, and Edgar makes a run for it. Also, the dead guard is still breathing, despite the liters of blood surrounding him.
At the hospital, when Peter holds the compass it starts spinning. When he passes it back to Bennet, it stops. He tries to convince Peter to help him get to the bottom of things, but Peter just wants to go out and do his job. They part ways with Bennet’s exhortation for Peter to call his mother.
Back at the college, Gretchen tries to convince Claire to help with the case of the dead roommate. In the process, she uses the word “defenestration”, which makes me happy. She also references Crossing Jordan, which was created by Heroes’ own Tim Kring. Next, she decides they need to get a dead body so they can test the angle of Annie’s fall. This girl exhaust me.
Matt’s at an AA Meeting, talking about how long it’s been since he “used”. He’s clearly talking about his power, but couching it in terms of addiction. That’s a really clever idea, actually. As he’s talking about how selfish he was, he watches Sylar enter the room. He’s hallucinating, because nobody else reacts. Sylar taunts him and Matt just gets madder and madder, which starts freaking out the other people in the room.
Now we’re in Tokyo. Hiro is still tickled by the Ando / Kimiko relationship, but to Ando, it’s always been that way. He thinks Hiro is crazy because they have very different recollections of events. This leads Hiro to decide that his mission is to go back and right all the wrongs of his life. Given that he can’t control his powers, that could be tough. Hey, is this Hiro’s Bucket List?
At the police station, they have a suspect in custody. Matt goes in to try and get information from him, but Imaginary Sylar taunts him and tells him he could get the answers he wants by reading the guy’s mind. The perp gets weirded out when Matt starts talking to his invisible friend. He finally gives up a name when Matt nearly hits him with a chair.
Peter uses his powers to run to an accident scene – it’s Bennet! He’s laid out on the sidewalk, looking really rough. He tells Peter that “they took the compass”. Later, Tracy comes to visit Bennet in his hospital bed. He tells her about the compass and Swifty McStab. She thinks Edgar might be a guy like her, just somebody who’s trying to hold things together. She leaves out the part where they’re both multiple murderers. They share some clam chowder.
When Matt gets home, the water delivery guy is still hanging out after a hard day of banging Parkman’s wife. Matt walks him out, and yep, uses his power to make Delivery Roy agree that he’s going to ask for a new route. Imaginary Sylar is pleased by this turn of events.
Late at night, Claire jumps out the window to recreate Annie’s suicide. Since she actually lands in Annie’s chalk outline, it seems pretty conclusive that there was no foul play. But then she looks up and sees Gretchen watching as she pushes her bones back into place. Oops…
Edgar reports back to Samuel. He reveals that he “met an empath”, by which he means Peter. Edgar wonders if the time-traveler Samuel met will replace their aging time traveler. Samuel insists “you can’t replace family”, but then we see Lydia the Tattooed Lady’s tattoos rearrange themselves into the images of Peter, Sylar, and either Claire or Tracey. (It’s hard to tell.) Yep, Samuel’s building himself a new family.
Hey, when you watch Heroes on G4, they don’t run those teases for the new episode, so I’ve got nothing to go on. I’m willing to bet a compass is involved, though.
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