All right, I got a little behind on the recaps, so this Heroes episode comes from last week. And in my
mind, it’s a Glee crossover. Oh, don’t even pretend you wouldn’t want to see that. Yeah, it’s been four seasons and it’s time for a musical episode. Get on that, Kring!

We open with Hiro jumping through time and space to Texas, three years ago. He looks in the window of the Burnt Toast Diner and sees Charlie, then realizes he needs clothes. He snatches some laundry off of a clothesline, and a little kid dressed like a cowboy threatens him. Do kids still dress like cowboys? I think he somehow jumped back in time to the middle of A Christmas Story. Hiro tells the kid Charlie’s story, but you know all of that. The point is, Hiro’s sure that he can save Sylar this time. The kid reminds Hrio that good guys wear white hats and bad guys wear black hats. This is, of course, Past Sylar’s cue to show up his trucker cap. You know, bad guys wear trucker hats, so a black trucker hat is, like, double jeopardy or something.