
Heroes 4-9 “Brother’s Keeper”

In the past, Samuel bursts into Suresh’s room just to watch the decoy film burn. Samuel flings a handful of pebbles at Suresh, only with his power, they move like bullets. Samuel leaves, thinking Suresh is dead. Nope, Suresh has a pebble-proof vest on, and Hiro’s hiding behind the bed, making it all happen.

I don’t think they meant this to be funny, but I laughed when Hiro explained “I’m not the Hiro you know. I come from eight weeks in the future.” Ha! Eight whole weeks? Why, is there anything left of the world I once knew? Hiro explains that he came back to save the film, and also that last time he tried to travel through time, he showed up ten minutes late and found out how Suresh died. Hey, that makes perfect sense. Nice job!

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