
Heroesville: Heroes 3-22 “Turn and Face the Stranger”

We open with the creepy scene of Bennet examining Fake Sylar’s corpse. Bennet is pretty impressed with Danko, and Danko’s already a jerk about it. Bennet gets the message that his wife has come to Building 26 to see him, and Danko says “send her up”. Hee. Danko wants to watch humans talk about their feelings, just to see if it can penetrate his creepy lizard brain.
Hiro and Ando are traveling with Baby Parkman, and they seem surprised that Matt’s hard to contact. Has Hiro not been paying attention to this season? They’re fugitives! Baby Matt cries, and suddenly the car stops running. Ah, so he doesn’t only start things. That could be bad for Hiro…
Hey, Matt and Mohinder are holed up together again, only this time, they’re not caring for a small girl. Mohinder is making escape plans, but Matt is playing with a gun and plotting revenge on Danko. Matt’s heading back to the dark side, I think.

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