Arthur’s making his future drawings, and of course, he draws like Tim Sale. Once again, future art is something totally separate from what your own artistic skills would allow. The future looks like that, and that’s how it comes out on paper. (The exception was Peter’s stick person drawing of the future back in the first episode. Of course, now we know that he was drawing what he saw in a dream by copying Ma Petrelli’s power. He wasn’t actually channeling the future art like Isaac. It’s a small distinction that I obsess over.) We see Petrellis falling, Bennet holding an injured Claire, Elle and Sylar making out, and Hiro, Matt, and Ando in a cornfield. And, of course, the eclipse.
Sylar and Elle have a nice moment, but as soon as Arthur’s on the screen, Sylar retreats into being a little boy, desperate to please his father. Arthur sends him after Claire, and Elle volunteers to go along. I like to think that Arthur thought about the future drawing and decided he’d help hook his son up. Best Dad ever! Except for all the stuff he does that’s horribly irredeemable, I guess.